
Revvity Signals E-Notebook How it Works!

从 2001 年起,E-Notebook 就广泛应用于研发、设计和生产过程的记录以及知识产权保护。Since 2001, E-Notebook has been widely used in the records of R&D,design and production process as well as in intellectual property protection.

目前全世界的组织中有超过 30,000 名的多学科用户依靠E-Notebook 来满足他们日常的记录和协作需要。E-Notebook 也会不断地创新和改进,以应对科学技术和客户需求的不断变化。Today, more than 30,000 multidisciplinary users around the world rely on E-Notebooks to meet their day-to-day record and collaboration needs. E-Notebook is also constantly innovating and improving to cope with the ever-changing needs of science and technology and customer needs.

同时 E-Notebook 支持多种类型的外部文件,如 office 文档、PDF、图像及视频。 E-notebook supports multiple types of external files ,such as office documents, PDF, images and videos.


Flexible paper record replacement

用户可以将Microsoft Office® 文件导入E-Notebook,并直接在E-Notebook 中使用Microsoft Office® 应用程序。 Users can import Microsoft Office® files into E-Notebook and also can use Microsoft Office® applications directly in E-Notebook.

E-Notebook 还加入了项目和数据分组的功能。所有合作开展的实验数据都可以一目了然地在E-Notebook 内的同一组内共享和查找, 从而避免不必要的复制。E-Notebook also adds project and data grouping functions. All cooperation experimental data can be shared and searched in the same E-Notebook group easily, avoiding unnecessary duplication.

E-Notebook 提供文本信息的检索功能。E-Notebook provides the text search function.

E-Notebook 实验记录界面

E-Notebook experiment record interface

E-Notebook 允许在安全的网络存储系统中存储多个大文件。E-Notebook allows multiple large files to be stored in a secure network storage system.

E-Notebook 配置有完整的审计追踪功能。E-Notebook is configured with complete audit tracking function.

E-Notebook 能够帮助化学家们在友好的界面下方便快捷地记录规范的实验数据。The E-Notebook organic synthesis solution helps chemists quickly and easily record standardized experimental data in a friendly interface.


Analytical experiment

分析人员可以在 E-Notebook 中记录完整的分析实验,包括实验背景、仪器管理、实验过程描述、仪器数据导入。Users can import Microsoft Office® files into E-Notebook and also can use Microsoft Office® applications directly in E-NotebookAnalysts can record complete analytical experiments in E-Notebook, including experimental background, instrument management, experimental process, instrument data import.


Biological experiment solution

E-Notebook BioAssay 是一款为生物学家设计的工具,能够方便用户采集数据,分析数据及生产实验报告。E-notebook BioAssay is a tool designed for biologists to collect data, analyze data and produce experimental reports.

Calculate IC50 with dose response curve