html> 上海觅铌信息科技有限公司

供应商管理系统 How it works

提供全面多样化的实验室耗材产品目录,简化您的所有耗材采购。 我们的MiniLab供应商平台是您获得试剂,消耗品等各种商品的理想之选。Provide the most comprehensive and diverse catalog of lab supply products.

作为MiniLab的用户,为您提供经过机构严格审查,符合资质的供应商产品目录,加入后立即开始节省时间。As MiniLab user, provide you with institution-vetted product catalog and join for start saving time now.

快速比对商品Make product comparison easy!

试剂比价Compare easily

试剂缺货?是否可以获得更具竞争力的报价? 您可以自动寻找购物清单中商品的替代产品和可用交易。 Reagent on backorder? More competitive price? You can automatically find alternative products and available transactions for the items in the shopping list.

流程不变No change to process

不需要更改现有订购过程。 像往常一样传达线下向您的供应商传达您的订单信息。No need to change the existing ordering process. Communicate your order information offline with your suppliers as usual.

Buy with confidence

从您下订单的那一刻到您的耗材到货,都将获得全面的支持。 我们会全程照顾您的需求。You can get complete support from the moment you request order to your supplies arrival. MiniLab will take care of your any needs every step of the way.

Industry-leading support业界领先的支持

凭借无与伦比的响应时间和多年实验室经验的支持团队,MiniLab甚至会为您解决技术性的问题。 您是我们的重中之重。With unbeatable response and our support team with years hands-on lab experience, MiniLab has your back for even the most technical questions. You’re our top priority.

Customer advocacy客户倡导

在解决与供应商的订单问题时,我们专门的支持团队将竭诚为您服务,以迅速获得所需的答案。Our dedicated support team will help you quickly get the answers you need when you resolve order issues and questions with suppliers.

MiniLab是一款价值非常高的实验室管理工具。 除了巩固我们的订购流程外,MiniLab商品目录还提供了巨大的价值,一次性可以获得所有供应商的商品信息。MiniLab is the most valuable laboratory management tools. MiniLab product catalog also provides great value, with one-time access to product information from all suppliers.