Great research starts from great lab management
As the leading online lab management platform, hundred thousands of pharma,chemical researchers and academic labs trust MiniLab management tools to save their budgets and time .
No download needed
MiniLab is a secure cloud-based service, accessible from any internet-connected device. There is nothing need to download or install.
MiniLab是一项安全的基于云的服务,可从任何连接互联网的设备进行访问。 无需下载或安装。
MiniLab Run Your Lab at Peak Efficiency

MiniLab Order Requests一键提交和审批采购订单,实时跟踪订单状态,节约沟通成本。Manage supply requests or incoming purchase in one place and simplify communications in your lab.

MiniLab Inventory研究人员实时掌握实验室化学品,样品等库存位置,动态监管库存状态,保障实验室安全,提高科研效率。Know well what’s in inventory and where it is with MiniLab Inventory management platform which automatically updates when supplies are received or samples are made in lab.

MiniLab Shop实验人员实时可对平台提供的100+供应商商品进行检索和比对,节约采购时间,节约科研时间。Scientists can search and compare 100+ supplier commodities provided by our platform any time, saving procurement time and research time.

Specific R&D information database 拥有海量全球科研文献信息资料,为高校、科研院所、军工企业等构建全面的特色专题库;大数据搜索引擎为科研人员提供快速、精确的数据情报检索服务。Our product has a large number of global scientific research information, and constructs the most comprehensive characteristic specific database for colleges, universities, institutes and military enterprises. The search engine from the big data provides the latest and most accurate data information retrieval service for researchers.

MiniLab Notebook无需下载,研究人员实时提交实验内容,分析数据,实验文献等所有实验数据,一键上传,即可查阅与检索,私有云保障数据安全。A secure cloud-based service, accessible from any internet-connected device, can support scientists manage all research and related data through one tap.

Revvity Signals E-Notebook电子实验记录本E-notebook广泛应用于研发、设计和生产过程的数据记录和知识产权保护。Since 2001, E-Notebook has been widely used in the records of R&D,design and production process as well as in intellectual property protection.

ChemDraw & ChemOffice一款强大的、专业的化学绘图软件,是化学家和生物学家的科学工具套件。A powerful and professional chemical drawing software and tool for chemists and biologists.

GraphPad一款超级好用的医学绘图软件,集生物统计、曲线拟合和科技绘图于一体,特别是在药理学和生理学方面超过110多个国家的20多万科学家依靠Prism 8来分析,绘制和展示他们的科学数据。A super easy-to-use medical drawing software, which integrates biostatistics, curve fitting and scientific drawing.

SnapGene一款功能强大的多功能的分子生物学工具,能够非常直观的注释分析和DNA图谱,帮助我们准确清晰地为分子生物学绘制相关图形。A powerful and versatile molecular biology tool, capable of very intuitive annotation analysis and DNA mapping,to help us accurately and clearly draw relevant graphics for molecular biology.

Alteryx通过简单的方法准备,混合和可视化所有数据源 - 以及无需编码即可应用高级预测和空间分析的能力,Alteryx可帮助您从数据中获取更大价值。Data tools for scientists, with simple methods to prepare, mix and visualize all data sources. Alteryx can help you get the most value from your data.